Thursday, April 7, 2016

March 2016 Favorites

It has been a while since I have done a monthly favorites blog but I absolutely LOVE sharing all the things I am obsessed with for the month or longer! This one for March is running a bit behind but better late than never!

1. Tartelette in Bloom Palette
I bought this palette as a Christmas present for myself. I started using it sporadically but in March it was by far my go to palette every time I did my makeup. It has 12 gorgeous, neutral, matte and shimmer shades. Neutrals are the perfect when on the go and putting together a quick, professional look. Highly recommend this palette. Check it out HERE

2. Dr. Lip Bang Lip Freak in Sin O' Mint
HOLY BUZZ!! I have tried all kinds of lip balms/chapsticks (babylips, eos, fresh sugar, etc.) and none of them can compare to this one!! It tingles almost to the point buzzing haha. I feel like my lips have become healthier and even more plump! I saw they came out with new scents, so I am going this week to get the Berry and Cherry ones and I will report back with how the compare to the Mint. Check it out HERE

3. Harvest Snaps Snapea Crisps in Wasabi Ranch
 These are amazing!!! At first I was a bit caught off guard at first but after eating a handful I almost ate the whole bag!! I get mine from Walmart right between produce and bakery section. 

4. Private Practice: All six seasons are on Netflix and I have watched the first 4 this month! I highly recommend this show, especially if you were/are a fan of Grey's Anatomy, since it started from Addison Montgomery on GA. It is a great medical show that deals with a small practice. I have laughed, cried and have been left stunned. It is a great show and Shonda Rhimes is a fabulous writer!
(Here is a little trailer it isn't fantastic but you will get the concept!)

5. Garden: My Aunt came out to visit the first weekend in March and while she was here she got me all set up with the most beautiful patio garden!! We planted green onions, romaine lettuce, sweet red onions, beat greens, strawberries, cherry tomatoes, early girl tomatoes, green peas and a Hibiscus and Lantana flowers. It has been so fun to nurture these plants and watch them grow day after day! Home Depot has been my favorite store for the entire month of March

Favorite Quote:

Favorite Song: 

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