Friday, June 5, 2015

Homemade Doggy Treats

Most people already know I am a huge dog lover and was inspired by my dog Mr. Cudddles to pay tribute to dogs through photography. I decided to make dog treats for all the dogs that were in my Senior Show (and plan to make some for all the other dogs that endured all my picture taking but sadly didn't make it to the final 8). If you would like to see the final 8 pictures check out my blog post titled Senior Show.

Anyways, I found a recipe on Pinterest editted it a little and thought I would share it with everyone, since it was highly approved of by Gus and Moo, the two dogs I currently live with and also subjects for my Senior Show.

Ingredients Needed:

2/3 cups pumpkin puree
1/4 cup peanut butter
2 eggs
2 cups flour
1 tsp. vanilla
1 tsp. cinnamon

1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees. 
2. Combine ingredients in a medium sized mixing bowl.
2. Sprinkle flour on wax paper to prevent from sticking and roll dough out on waxed paper. Use bone shaped cookie cutter and place each bone about an inch apart on cookie sheet.
3. Bake treats in oven for 25 minutes or until hard.
4. Let cool. 
5. Give treat to dog, and let them thank you with kisses for the deliciousness!

This recipe makes about 10-12 treats if you use a medium sized cookie cutter.

Sorry the pictures aren't that clean but when I bake it gets messy!


Wednesday, June 3, 2015


It has been 7 years since I first started my college adventure and on May 7th, 2015, I FINALLY graduated college. I am now a Southern Virginia University alumna. I received my Bachelors of Arts in Art and will also receive my Bachelor of Arts in Family and Child Development in August; ( I also minored in Biology). I took a very unexpected two year break from college from January 2013-December 2014. That break was exactly what I needed at that time in my life, I grew more than I could have ever imagined. Even with all the progress I made, coming back to school was not an easy road.

That two year break taught me many things but there are two things I would like to share. 1) Just because you took a break from reaching a goal or chasing a dream, and just because you didn't reach milestones exactly when you thought you would doesn't mean you still can't hit that goal, live your dream, or reach that milestone. Don't ever give up on yourself no matter how hard it may be. 2) Don't forget life doesn't always happen exactly the way you planned it. Things don't happen in your time frame but in the Lord's. There are trials to go through, opportunities for growth, and perfect timing (the Lord's timing) in meeting all the amazing people in your life. If I didn't listen to the prompting to take two years off, myself and my life would be completely different and I know they would not be good different. The Lord loves me He guided me to go home for two years and He guided me to climb this uphill battle to finish school!

Blogger Cheers to not giving up on myself, accomplishing a goal, and gaining the knowledge in knowing without Heavenly Father none of it would be possible.

Proverbs 3:5 Trust in the Lord with all thine heart and lean not unto thine own understanding. 6 In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.

Thursday, April 30, 2015

Senior Show

This semester, I completed my Art major by completing a series of work as my final Senior Show project. All 8 completed pieces are currently hanging on campus and will remain up until the afternoon of May 7th.

While I hope to get a photography page up within the next couple months just to showcase my growth and improvement in this skill I have become extremely fond of and passionate about. And while this is not the ideal way to display my work online I still wanted to post that the digital photographs from my Senior Show are for sale:
6 of the 8 are still available
They are all 11x14in. prints framed with white mat board in 16x20in.
 black frames.

"Massimo 'Mimmo'" 




For purchase or other inquiries, please email me at of contact me through my Facebook page.

 Artist Statement and Inspiration
Mr. Cuddles, my first dog, served as the inspiration for my show. Cuddles saved not only myself from loneliness and heartbreak but he helped my mother in her darkest times of physical and spiritual need. His spirit showed us the way to light and hope. He was more than a dog, he was an eternal blessing from Heavenly Father.
President Joseph F. Smith said, “Men cannot worship the Creator and look with careless indifference upon his creations. The love of all life helps men to the enjoyment of a better life. Wisdom and virtue come from the animal… which carries with it a spiritual as well as a material blessing. Nature helps us to see and understand God. To all His creations we owe an allegiance of service and a profound admiration.”

Through the use of color theory and these beautiful dogs. I hope my digital photographs will portray at least a fraction of the joy, love, peace, strength, and hope these spirits have brought into the lives of their loved ones.

Wednesday, April 29, 2015


Well what a great question!! Last time I posted on my blog was in October of last year!!!! So where have I been?
In the fall last year, I discovered I had the opportunity to come back to my school, Southern Virginia University, and finish my final semester of college. I could have finished from home, but coming back out to school gave me the opportunity to complete both of my majors (in Family and Child Development & Art) and my minor (in Biology). Once, I realized returning was an option, things began to fall into place. I was blessed with the best housing opportunity of living with one of my best friends, her family and their two dogs in a small town outside of the even smaller town my school resides in. This blessing was a huge sign for me that I was doing exactly what I needed to!

In January, I packed up most of my things and headed out to Virginia with my dad. I said goodbye to my family, friends and dog once again to head out and complete this journey of education. Luckily their support was endless, which made the transition smoother. 

Anyway long story short, four months later and I am now a week, 4 finals, and a senior paper from my undergrad ceremony. For those that know my journey since 2008, this is kind of a BIGGG deal!!
So at 10am on Thursday, May 7th I will walk in 147th Commencement at Southern Virginia University and receive my college diploma! (If you would like to view, it will be streaming live here:
After graduation, my parents, brother, and I are off on a family trip. We plan to spend a couple days in Lexington, a day in Washington DC, and a few in New York City. I plan to apply to jobs right after graduation is over, but as of now I am planning to stay in Virginia till the end of June. I have one online class left to finish for one of my majors and thought of taking a couple classes to raise my GPA, and just spend time with some friends before I leave the East coast.
Though I cannot say for sure what the next step is, I know I want to move back to Texas, get a full time job, find my own place with my Lily girl (and maybe my brother ;) and BoBo) and prep myself for graduate school! I hope to continue to grow and progress in my love for photography (especially pet photography) maybe even start my own photography website! And return to my wonderful health lifestyle I've let slip with the education stress that I let get in the way!
Even my blogging has been non-existent for a few months, the journey in creating myself has been far from that. I am about to close a chapter that has been open seven years just waiting to be finished, and I am about to start a whole knew one. While I am terrified, I couldn't be more ready for this next step! Thank you to everyone that has not only supported me but helped me along this wonderful adventure!