Wednesday, June 3, 2015


It has been 7 years since I first started my college adventure and on May 7th, 2015, I FINALLY graduated college. I am now a Southern Virginia University alumna. I received my Bachelors of Arts in Art and will also receive my Bachelor of Arts in Family and Child Development in August; ( I also minored in Biology). I took a very unexpected two year break from college from January 2013-December 2014. That break was exactly what I needed at that time in my life, I grew more than I could have ever imagined. Even with all the progress I made, coming back to school was not an easy road.

That two year break taught me many things but there are two things I would like to share. 1) Just because you took a break from reaching a goal or chasing a dream, and just because you didn't reach milestones exactly when you thought you would doesn't mean you still can't hit that goal, live your dream, or reach that milestone. Don't ever give up on yourself no matter how hard it may be. 2) Don't forget life doesn't always happen exactly the way you planned it. Things don't happen in your time frame but in the Lord's. There are trials to go through, opportunities for growth, and perfect timing (the Lord's timing) in meeting all the amazing people in your life. If I didn't listen to the prompting to take two years off, myself and my life would be completely different and I know they would not be good different. The Lord loves me He guided me to go home for two years and He guided me to climb this uphill battle to finish school!

Blogger Cheers to not giving up on myself, accomplishing a goal, and gaining the knowledge in knowing without Heavenly Father none of it would be possible.

Proverbs 3:5 Trust in the Lord with all thine heart and lean not unto thine own understanding. 6 In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.

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