Saturday, April 5, 2014

NEW Quarter, NEW Goals

The second quarter (April 1st-June 30th) of 2014 is under way, which means for me NEW GOALS!! For those that saw my last blog post "1st Quarter Goals & Family Challenge Results" you know I am making new goals every quarter to focus on and accomplish, as well as compete with my family on who loses the most body mass every quarter to win $100 cash prize. This quarter I am making sure I follow the SMART goal setting guide!

So here are my NEW Goals for a NEW Quarter:

1. Lose 30 pounds
2. Workout a minimum of 30 minutes 5 days a week
3. No Soda and No Fast Food
4. Meal plan at the beginning of every month
5. Finish both online classes and finish rough draft of senior paper
6. Complete 2 things from my bucket list
7. Put together two SUCCESSFUL fundraisers for Miracles Baseball Academy
8. Pay off Credit Card (acquired a little debt from school and not working for 5 months so I this is a big goal for me to get this taken care of)
9. Be the best host and plan the best vacation for my best friend Sarah :)
10. Write some great blog posts! :)

S- Each one of my goals is specific and I have broken them down into smaller steps (i.e. Goal #1 the total 30 pounds is broken down to focus on each 10 pounds)
M- Some goals I am much more emotionally charged and motivated to accomplish than others but I am making adjustments in my life to make sure I have the energy and drive to get each one accomplished
A- YES! For the first three goals I am using MyFitness Pal to track everything from food I eat to exercise I do every day. For every other goal I am creating deadlines that need to be met to make sure the overall goal is a success!
R- Each one of my goals is strengthening my relationships with others because they are helping me progress individually in a really wonderful way! For some of my goals my family and friends are involved in helping me succeed!
T- For some goals I have created tangible rewards that are a symbol of my success. For example rewarding myself for every ten pounds lost. I want to come up with a reward for completing my school work but I am still brainstorming! And some of my rewards benefit accomplishing some of the other goals!

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