Tuesday, January 14, 2014

New Years Resolutions Revised

I know it is only half way through January and a bit to early to be second guessing the resolutions I made. But I am not necessarily second guessing my resolutions but the time frame in which I focus them! My family has decided to make this year our year to hit our weight goals. So we have broken this year into quarters of competition to hit our weight loss goals so I am making different goals and resolutions for each quarter. The Weight Loss challenge is whoever loses the most body mass percentage each quarter wins $100 to spend as they see fit!

So the first quarter is from January 1st-March 31st and my first quarter goals are:

1. Lose 35 pounds (This is the most I plan to lose in one quarter, but I want to get a good start and get back decently under 200 pounds)
2. No Soda or Gluten!
3. Read 5 Books
4. Finish my school work from Virginia and one of my two online classes
5. Finish fixing up my room
6. Workout 5 days a week
7. Reach 1500 page views on my blog

I think this is a great start for the first 3 months of 2014. Wish me luck!!! I really want to reach my goals and win a bit of cash in the process :) What are your goals this year? If you haven't made any because you think a year is unrealistic of a time frame for goal setting well cut the year in half or quarters and set important short term goals to help you reach your long term goals!

And if you start getting discouraged remember this....

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