Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Love Came Down

This week has truly been incredible. Today I found out I passed my Organizational Psychology class (got a B+ overall).  After an already incredible day I decided to race to my Zumba class right after work. I was thinking of leaving before the last song since it's just a cool down and I haven't eaten all day but I am so glad I didn't because I needed to hear this song. Burn Bright by Natalie Grant almost brought me to tears. Two years ago I truly lost who I was, I can't even begin to explain the pain and brokenness I felt. I decided to move home before completing school against the wishes of just about everyone, some people then and even still today may never truly understand why I made the decision I made. The why is I heard a voice in my head that said to go home and I truly believe it was my Heavenly Father. I know now if I wouldn't have listened to that voice, I would have truly lost everything if I hadn't. It has been a  very long and rough road but that voice and that decision forever has changed me, and this change has AMAZED me. My light is burning. I am shining and truly living!!!

Natalie Grant- Burn Bright

This next song by Kari Jobe I believe truly explains why and how. I don't normally talk about religion or politics but I have to share that because of the love, grace and mercy of my Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ is why I healed. Through the love and hope I feel I have and continue to mend every broken piece inside. But I am not only being put back together I am improved, stronger, wiser, filled with more love, hope and overwhelmingly positive thoughts than I have ever had before. Do I still struggle? Yes. I will forever be on this roller coaster of an adventure but I am ready for it! I am grateful for this second chance at life and I just had to share my never ending gratitude. Now I am getting a second chance at school, I can not wait to finish and get that degree that I put on hold a couple years ago.

Kari Jobe- Love Came Down

I just want to thank you for being a part of this Creating Amanda blog. I am on an incredible journey to not only find myself but create and love myself and I can't wait for what more is to come. Along this journey I will always share my gratitude, love and hope as long as I possibly can!

I hope everyone has an amazing week and a week filled with CREATING AND LOVING EVERYTHING YOU ARE!!!!

Sunday, October 5, 2014


I have missed blogging. Life did get busy and distracting but if I am being truly honest it has been difficult for me to find messages and stories that move me strong enough to want to share with everyone I possibly can. My life has been wonderful but at the same time at a stand still. My weight loss hit a brick wall, my school path has been unclear, and I don't even want to get started on the distraction friends and even boys can be. Thank goodness for my amazing friends, family and the timing of powerful messages that slap me straight across my face and wake me out of my daze. 

Thanks to one of my best friends, Sarah, who shared this video with me and it was truly everything I needed to hear wrapped up into 2 minutes. Click on the link below and PLEASE watch and listen to her powerful words.

My life before February pf this year, is exactly what she is describing in the first 40 seconds of the video. "I was trapped inside myself. Spiraling in and out of perceived happiness, but was really adrift sorrow, in the bottom of a bottle lost at stormy sea." I was lost. My light had dulled. Mornings faded into nights, and I hid inside myself only to peak out for a moment to experience fleeting happiness. There were times I would wonder if I could ever laugh again, feel joy, peace or strength? Till like her I woke up and told myself "You are worth it! You are worth the fight!" I worked hard every day, I smiled again, then laughed. I started to feel joy, peace and strength unlike I have ever felt before. I have found myself and learned to love myself. I have learned to love and cherish every second of every day. 

But we are never done climbing our mountain. I feel like I have been stuck at a rest stop on my mountain a little too long. Sometimes when we are idle too long, enjoying our rest, we think the view from a little rest stop on our mountain is good enough and we retreat to the bottom of the mountain before we even get to the top. Well I am not retreating. I am pressing forward till I reach the top! 

Many of her words I know like me will have run chills up your spine, here are just a few that did it for me.

"Be strong and be proud to be a constant work in progress, Just stay in progress."- Strive for progress not perfection. 

"I am a Fighter. I am a Warrior. But my body is not a battleground."- I will continue to love myself for all that I am now. I will be a constant work in progress, getting better and stronger daily but I will not beat myself up with hate and negativity.

"I know who I am. I know what I stand for and I know what I am worth!" 

"Every morning is a victory. Every morning you get up, brush off the hate and the negativity, and throw it on your passionate fire."

May we all choose that we are worth it! We are more than a number, or what anyone else thinks of us. Know yourself. Love yourself. Work hard everyday for yourself and be proud that you are in progress!

Monday, September 29, 2014


Today, I came home from a very early work morning and my mother shared this amazing passage from a book she is reading and it is so amazing I had to share it with everyone else. Though it is lengthy I promise it is worth reading.

"I will live this day as if it is my last.

And what shall I do with this last precious day which remains in my keeping? First, I will seal up its container of life so that not one drop spills itself upon the sand. I will waste not a moment mourning yesterday's misfortunes, yesterday's defeats, yesterday's aches of the heart, for why should I throw good after bad?
Can sand flow upward in the hour glass? Will the sun rise where it sets and set where it rises? Can I relive the errors of yesterday and right them? Can I call back yesterday's wound and make them whole? Can I become younger than yesterday? Can I take back the evil that was spoken, the blows that were struck, the pain that was caused? No. Yesterday is buried forever and I will think of it no more.

I will live this day as if it is my last.

And what then shall I do? Forgetting yesterday neither will I think of tomorrow. Why should I throw now after maybe? Can tomorrow's sand flow through the glass before today's? Will the sun rise twice this morning? Can I perform tomorrow' deeds while standing in today's path? Can I place tomorrow's gold in today's purse? Can tomorrow's child be born today? Can tomorrow's death cast its shadow backward and darken today's joy? Should I concern myself over events which I may never witness? Should I torment myself with problems that may never come to pass? No! Tomorrow lies buried with yesterday, and I will think of it no more.

I will live this day as if it is my last.

This day is all I have and these hours are now my eternity, I greet this sunrise with cries of joy as a prisoner who is reprieved from death. I lift mine arms with thanks for this priceless gift of a new day. So too, I will beat upon my heart with gratitude as I consider all who greeted yesterday's sunrise who are no longer living today. I am indeed a fortunate woman and today's hours are but a bonus, undeserved. Why have I been allowed to live this extra day when others, far better than I, have departed? I it that they have accomplished their purpose while mine is yet to be achieved? Is this another opportunity for me to become the woman I know I can be? Is there a purpose in nature? Is this my day to excel?

I will live this day as if it is my last.

I have but one life and life is naught but a measurement of time. When I was one I destroy the other. If I waste today I destroy the last page of my life. Therefore, each hour of this day will I cherish for it will never return. It cannot be backed today to be withdrawn on the morrow, for who can trap the wind? Each minute of this day will I grasp with both hands and fondle with love for its value is beyond price, What dying man can purchase another breath through he willingly give all his gold? What price dare I place on the hours ahead? I will make them priceless!

I will live this day as if it is my last.

I will avoid with fury the killers of time. Procrastination I will destroy with action; doubt I will bury under faith; fear I will dismember with confidence. Where there are idle mouths I will listen not; where there are idle hands I will linger not; where there are idle bodies I will visit not. Henceforth I know that to court idleness is to steal food, clothing, and warmth for those I love. I am not a thief. I am a woman of love and today is my last chance to prove my love and my greatness.

I will live this day as if it is my last.

The duties of today I shall fulfill today. Today I shall fondle my children while they are young; tomorrow they will be gone and so will I. Today I shall embrace my man with sweet kisses; tomorrow he will be gone, and so will I. Today I shall lift up a friend in need; tomorrow he will no longer cry for help, nor will I hear his cries. Today I shall give myself in sacrifice and work; tomorrow I will have nothing to give, and there will be none to receive.

I will live this day as if it is my last.

And if it is my last, it will be my greatest monument. This day I will make the best day of my life. This day I will drink every minute to its full. I will savor its taste and give thanks. I will maketh every hour count and each minute I will trade only for something of value. I will labor harder than ever before and push my muscles until they cry for relief, and then I will continue. I will make more calls than ever before. I will ell more goods than ever before. I will earn more gold than ever before. Each minute of today will be fruitful than hours of yesterday. My last must be my best.

I will live this day as if it is my last.
And if it is not, I shall fall to my knees and give thanks."

Scroll V from the book "The Greatest Secrets in the World" by Og Mandino.

May we all live today as if it is our last. Stop worrying about the past, or future and everything in between far out of our control. LIVE NOW!!!!

Monday, July 21, 2014

You are BEAUTIFUL! You are ENOUGH!

Just below is the music video for Colbie Caillat's recent song "Try". This video has been getting a lot of social media attention for her boldness to show how to love yourself with no makeup, hair, or photoshop to create the ideal perfectionism we are exposed to daily. 

I absolutely love this videos diversity of women, age, ethnicity, hair color, eye color, etc. Because this concept is one that hits home for every one of us!

I can for asurity say that most of my life, my first 22 years of it, were spent thinking or overanalizing about how I dressed, looked, spoke, acted and how all of that mattered to other people. It is an unhappy world living according to societal and cultural standards, or maybe even unrealistic standards you have set for yourself. Sometimes we have this idea of perfection, but when we don't reach or attain that perfection, we then see ourselves as not pretty enough or successful enough or good enough.

Let me clue everyone in on a secret..... You are already perfect!!! You are pretty enough, you are successful enough, and good enough!!! Can you lose more weight, or work hard, or practice longer... YES! Don't ever settle but don't ever think you aren't ENOUGH because you are!

The lyrics to this song convey my mental shift from trying so hard for others to validate that ENOUGH instead of finding that from within myself till this last 6-7 months. The first part of the lyrics, getting your hair, makeup, nails, running, shopping, etc. I love all of these things, not to try or componsate to be or look like anyone else thinks I should look but because I love it! I work in the beauty industry and am a beauty advisor. I am a makeup, hair, classy clothes, sexy shoes advocate all the way and I love it, but I know that none of it will make me love myself any more or less. I see my nails freshly done and smile because I did it, I jump up and down when I finish my mile daily because I am proud of myself.

You don't have to try so hard
You don't have to give it all away
You just have to get up, get up, get up, get up
You don't have to change a single thing

You don't have to try, try, try, try (x3)
You don't have to try (x2)

Wait a second,
Why should you care, what they think of you
When you're all alone, by yourself, do you like you?
Do you like you?

You don't have to try so hard
You don't have to give it all away
You just have to get up, get up, get up, get up
You don't have to change a single thing

You don't have to try so hard
You don't have to bend until you break
You just have to get up, get up, get up, get up
You don't have to change a single thing

The lyrics above is what makes me love this song so much! Be You! Do you love yourself? If you do GREAT! If not I am giving you a challenge. The last verse to this song is your challenge. Take your makeup off, let your hair down, and look into the mirror. I want you when you look yourself in the mirror and say 10 times, I AM BEAUTIFUL! I AM ENOUGH! Don't ask but tell. And do it everyday until you truly believe and I promise you that everytime you see yourself in the mirror after that you will see a smile across your beautiful face because all you see and should see is beauty!

Today, I learned that our subconscious mind (that contains much of our thoughts, beliefs, etc.) can not tell the difference between true thoughts and false thoughts. It only knows what we tell it to believe. It then does it's job of proving or validating all of those thoughts. So what are you telling yourself, what are you believing? Do the challenge until your entire being knows and believes what is already true!

You don't have to try for anyone but yourself! This is your life!


Friday, July 11, 2014


Well great question!! I have been LIVING, LAUGHING, FALLING DOWN, GETTING BACK UP, RE-PRIORITIZING AND CREATING. I am sorry I left you blog world, I have missed writing and sharing, but I plan to get back on track FULL STEAM AHEAD! But let me catch you up a little!

Since my last post so much has happened...

One of my best friends came to visit from Virginia and we got to do so many wonderful things. Museums, Aquarium, Space Center Houston, Movies and SHOPPING lots of shopping :)! It was wonderful, I have lived in Houston 23 years and I got to experience some things I never have in those 23 years. 

While she was here she introduced me to the wonderful world of Tone It Up. It's a community that supports and encourages each other in living a healthy and happy lifestyle. Two women, Karena and Katrina created the community and a nutritional plan that is like a membership you can join, my mom and I joined on the Gluten-Free Plan and some of their recipes are AMAZING!! You also get every add on edition before your time of joining and after for free. They also make workout videos on YouTube, I highly recommend the Bikini Series Bikini Arms and Thailand Tush!! I really encourage everyone interested in living a healthy full lifesytle to look into the community it doesn't cost you a penny (membership/nutrition plan is what costs)! Their website is ToneItUp.com, and if you want to check out their videos just type in Tone It Up in the search bar on YouTube. I also have a personal Tone It Up Instagram if you would like to follow me @tiu_amandamarie I would love to send encouragement and support to you no matter what your goals and dreams are!

I also made a big step to becoming more financially responsible while she was here. I left my families phone plan at AT&T and switched to Sprint and I now pay my own phone bill! This may not be a big step for many but it was for me. When people take care of you, help you, etc. for an extended period of time or your whole life haha, it is terrifying to rely solely on yourself for that support. I jumped off the plank, dove into the dark, unknown waters, and prayed I could stay afloat! Two months on my own phone bill and I'm floating nicely along the waves. 

Although, a month after I got this new phone, it dropped once and the sensors on the phone completely stopped working.  My computer broke, my glasses got chewed up by a dog I was watching, I went through withdrawals of a very strong ADHD medication, and my dad was being sent away to China right before my birthday. The first half of June was difficult to say the least. At times I didn't know if I could see light at the end of the tunnel. I hate to admit it but for a little bit I would wake up in the morning and think "I wonder what is going to happen today to kill my positive, happy, healthy lifestyle I am trying to live!" I realized after expecting bad things to happpen, and the feeling of disappointment and unhappiness to come over me for a couple weeks that happiness is a choice! If I am only happy when things go right in my life then I am not truly happy. Breaking my phone was devastating at first but being without a phone for a couple week became exactly what I needed, it helped me unplug from so many other stresses in my life and regroup. My computer is old and I need a new one anyway. My glasses can be replaced, maybe I needed to get in the habit of wearing contacts again so I can see all the time instead of part of the time. The withdrawals were tough but I got past them and am doing pretty good without medication, through a healthy and balanced diet. My dad missed my birthday day, but my birthday became an entire week celebration which is even better than just one day. HAPPINESS is a choice. Don't let your circumstances in life determine your happiness, IT IS UP TO YOU!!!

June 19th I turned 24 :0!!!!! I know I am getting old. My birthday week was phenomenal, I had dinner with my family at Pappadeaux, dinner and a night out in Houston with one of my best friends, Falon, and an entire day in Galveston with my Best Friend and Mother, Joyce!!! It was a fantastic birthday week and I couldn't of asked for more.

Lastly, the biggest change since my last blog has been EXERCISE. I finally started exercising again, and not just any exercise, I started running!! I have never been a runner EVER, but it has recently become a beautiful outlet for me and I am training to run my very first 5K at the end of August. I know I am crazy, 1st 5K in August in Houston Heat, what am I thinking?!? Well I am thinking I am not going to make excuses and I am going to prove to myself I can do anything I set my mind to!!

What Have You Been Up To? Are you planning or preparing for anything BIG before the end of Summer? Whatever it is, visualize and BELIEVE

I look forward to posting again very soon! Stay tuned I have very exciting things coming in the near future, like new recipes, awesome favorites I have discovered in the last couple months AND A GIVEAWAY!!!

Till Then... Have a Once In a Lifetime Summer!

Mandisa ft. TobyMac- Good Morning
BTW: It's Very Hard to have a bad day when you Start Your Day with This Song!

Saturday, April 19, 2014

Overcoming My Deepest Fear

I haven't posted in a couple weeks, life has been crazy between two jobs, spearheading two fundraising events, school, and trying to get some health issues under wraps has made for a crazy, stressful couple of weeks. One thing I think the heavens have been trying to teach me the past couple weeks is... time management. Sometimes I can get wrapped up in one thing that everything else that needed to be done flies out the window, currently that one thing is work. In the last two weeks between both of my jobs I have worked 120+ hours!! It is the busiest time of the season at Miracles right now and until I changed my availability this last week I was working average 6 out of 7 days a week. I love working, I love feeling accomplished, and I love being successful. With all of the progress I have made within myself this last year let alone the last 4 months I have seen a huge change in myself, not just physically and emotionally but mentally. My entire attitude and outlook on life has shifted in a way I could never have expected, and I have begun to witness the first concrete steps I have taken in overcoming and facing a fear that shaped the person I used to be.

My biggest fear is the fear of Failure. I have always feared that I am not quite good enough and no matter what I do, no matter how hard I try I will inevitably fail. As a child I would get a 90+ on a spelling test but my father knew I could get a 100 he would make me write the words I missed till I knew them backwards and forwards, the focus of my life was always on how much better I can be not on how good I always was. I created this unrealistic idea that in everything I did it had to be perfect and anything less than perfection was not good enough. Can you imagine the pressure I felt for the constant need to be perfect, especially since perfection is often times unattainable? As a child I enjoyed the challenge, I enjoyed the success, I liked being pushed but as I got older this need for perfection began to sink deeper and the disappointment from not achieving it hurting more and more. As humans we are not meant to be perfect, we will fall, we will fail at times, the point is to not stay in a state of failure, to always try and keep trying, to learn, grow, and come back stronger than ever before. As I got older I became disappointed, angry, I set unrealistic expectations for myself and others, and eventually I began to stop trying in the first place because I already anticipated failure. I went to counseling after my first year of college where I finally discovered this fear, I discovered what paralyzed me completely, but for years I never even began to overcome it, until now! My last 4 years of college were rough to say the least and I almost dropped out of college a few times only because of fear and the notion that I would never be good enough so what was the point in trying. I finally decided to come home, I had not finished school, but I didn't feel I would be able to finish it even if I had stayed, and that single decision has saved my life.

In January of this year I began to see a counselor from my church. I was reluctant at first, I had been home for about a year at this point and was doing much better, I didn't want to go talk about all my issues and feel worse about myself when I had worked so hard to be in such a better place. I also didn't want to hash out issues from the past, I created this blog with the soul purpose of the focus of the present and future, shaping and forming myself not from my past but from my true desires of who I really wish to be. I decided to give it a shot and it was one of the best decisions I could have ever made. I have grown leaps and bounds since I started seeing her. We do talk about my past but we never dwell or focus on the past, it is only to learn, to make myself better now, to break old habits, change a way of thinking, or alter relationships for the better. The best part is every time I see her I may walk in at times with a negative cloud hovering over my head but I never leave with one! I have become empowered, confident, and content with the person I am and the person I am becoming daily.

We never addressed this fear, I never told her I had it, and yet I have seen in myself what Four saw in Tris in Divergent, and yes I am going to be cheesy and quote Divergent once again...
When I first read that line I thought to myself ...Well that's not me, not even close and that was just a month ago! Fear has always paralyzed me. There were times I couldn't even make myself get out of bed because of fear. I have felt my entire life, I have always been a coward to my fears, at times they have broke me down completely and in every way, but finally I feel like I can relate to this simple line. With working 120+ hours a week, planning two fundraisers, trying to complete school, lose weight, and be healthy in the midst of all of that, there is more pressure than I think I have ever had. Pressure from employers, coworkers, parents, family, friends, and myself to meet expectations, time constraints, and to succeed. This kind of pressure even a year ago would have paralyzed me, I would of confined myself to my bed, room and house, refrained from people interaction, quit or been fired from one job or another, and ultimately driven myself to failure. Not anymore!! The idea of perfection or the lack of it is no longer daunting. I have become truly satisfied with where I am at in life but always seeing ways I can be better, not in a negative context I grew to see it as but now enthused by a challenge, the satisfaction of seeing progress, success in even the littlest amount of forward progression. I see ways to be better, not all the ways I am lacking. The pressure still gets to me at times, it causes stress and I have learned I do need time to myself to breath, relax, and refocus, but the pressure, the expectations, my fear of failure no longer shuts me down but wakes me up! I don't know if I have necessarily overcome by fear. I know I am not fearless, but I do know I have learned to act in spite of my fear. I use the fear to fuel me to succeed personally and professionally.

Sometimes it is not always failure that frightens us but what we are capable of. Not only did my fear of failure haunt me but my fear of success. I had already felt failure it was familiar to me and when fear gets the best of us we cower to what is familiar and comfortable. I knew what to expect, if I pushed to overcome that failure I would then have to face the fear of success. Sometimes we feel like the higher we climb, the farther and harder the fall, forward progression is often a world unknown till we finally get there and that takes courage to strive for. Not only did I let my fear of failure get the best of me but I used to let my fear of success stop me as well. I think in my first 23 years of life I never pushed myself even in things I was passionate about to see how amazing I could truly be. I see now that these fears were always intertwined with each other. When I began to face and overcome one fear, I was facing and overcoming both. My favorite poem is below and it means more now than ever.

There is unimaginable power and strength that comes from facing and defeating a fear that for years made you feel hopeless, defeated, and worthless. If you have a fear that you feel encompasses your being, you can overcome it, but I think you have to believe you can! When I began to believe in myself, love myself, I then began to free myself, the limits my fears created for me began to disappear and that was when I could finally face them. I am still not perfect, I still have fears, and sometimes in some situations they try to get the best of me, they wanted to this week and that was when I finally realized this change, when I saw this quote...
For weeks I felt like I was flying full speed ahead, the last couple weeks I was running, and this week a walk headed towards a crawl. But I NEVER STOPPED MOVING. I never let my fear confine me or paralyze me, it may have slowed me down a little but it never got the best of me. 

When life starts weighing you down, when negativity and fear start to sink in, never stop believing in yourself, never give up. If all you can do is crawl that is okay but just keep moving. Your wings will begin to carry you forwards and upwards when they are able but sometimes they need a break just like we do. The key is to never stop moving,  do not remain idle, do not accept failure or defeat. Remain with courage, love and hope!

I hope you all have a fabulous Easter Weekend!

Saturday, April 5, 2014

NEW Quarter, NEW Goals

The second quarter (April 1st-June 30th) of 2014 is under way, which means for me NEW GOALS!! For those that saw my last blog post "1st Quarter Goals & Family Challenge Results" you know I am making new goals every quarter to focus on and accomplish, as well as compete with my family on who loses the most body mass every quarter to win $100 cash prize. This quarter I am making sure I follow the SMART goal setting guide!

So here are my NEW Goals for a NEW Quarter:

1. Lose 30 pounds
2. Workout a minimum of 30 minutes 5 days a week
3. No Soda and No Fast Food
4. Meal plan at the beginning of every month
5. Finish both online classes and finish rough draft of senior paper
6. Complete 2 things from my bucket list
7. Put together two SUCCESSFUL fundraisers for Miracles Baseball Academy
8. Pay off Credit Card (acquired a little debt from school and not working for 5 months so I this is a big goal for me to get this taken care of)
9. Be the best host and plan the best vacation for my best friend Sarah :)
10. Write some great blog posts! :)

S- Each one of my goals is specific and I have broken them down into smaller steps (i.e. Goal #1 the total 30 pounds is broken down to focus on each 10 pounds)
M- Some goals I am much more emotionally charged and motivated to accomplish than others but I am making adjustments in my life to make sure I have the energy and drive to get each one accomplished
A- YES! For the first three goals I am using MyFitness Pal to track everything from food I eat to exercise I do every day. For every other goal I am creating deadlines that need to be met to make sure the overall goal is a success!
R- Each one of my goals is strengthening my relationships with others because they are helping me progress individually in a really wonderful way! For some of my goals my family and friends are involved in helping me succeed!
T- For some goals I have created tangible rewards that are a symbol of my success. For example rewarding myself for every ten pounds lost. I want to come up with a reward for completing my school work but I am still brainstorming! And some of my rewards benefit accomplishing some of the other goals!

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

1st Quarter Goals & Family Challenge Results

The first quarter of the year has come to a close. It is crazy how fast the first 3 months of 2014 went by. I want to evaluate myself in a sense on how I did with my first quarter goals.

Goal #1: Lose 35 pounds.
Up to the beginning of March I was in the cycle of losing weight then gaining it back then losing it again. Finally the first week of March I got really ill and it sparked a fuse in me, I decided to cut out Fast Food entirely, soda, and all fried foods. and I ended up losing a total of 20 pounds!!!! Not quite 35 but it is still a great loss regardless and I will take it! I created a plan to reward myself for every 10 pounds I lose its a way to reward myself, encourage more hard work, and focus on small goals to ultimately achieve a large, long term goal. If you would like to view how I rewarded myself for each 10 pound loss so far you can view them at Rewarding Small Victories Leads to Ultimate Success and Reward #2: Amazon Mini Shopping Spree blog posts.

Goal #2: No Soda or Gluten
It pains me to say that this was a rough one. I did really well with it last year but I had a tough time getting back on it. If you have ever given up gluten or attempted to you know how hard it is. I never completely gave up gluten but I did shrink my gluten intake greatly, especially in March. I don't know why it was hard for me to give up soda in the beginning since it really does give me the worst stomach aches and headaches but I finally got my act together and completely gave it up in the middle of February and am still sticking to it.

Goal #3: Read 5 Books
I did it!!! It probably should have been harder to do than it was with trying to finish school and work being crazy busy but I love to read. I actually read 6 books this quarter. I read Fifty Shades of Grey, Fifty Shades Darker, and Fifty Shades Freed by E L James, The Mortal Instruments: City of Glass and The Mortal Instruments: City of Ashes by Cassandra Claire, and Divergent by Veronica Roth. All six books are fabulous, I enjoyed reading each one of them. Each series is very different in my opinion and I recommend reading all of them but I think my personal favorite was Divergent. My favorite quote from the book, "We've all started to put down the virtues of the other factions in the process of bolstering our own. I don't want to do that. I want to be brave, and selfless, and smart, and kind, and honest." I don't want to spoil the book, but if you haven't read it I really recommend it! If you would like to see the lessons I learned from this amazing story feel free to check out my blog post Striving To Be Brave, Selfless, Smart, Kind, and Honest.

Goal #4: Finish School work in VA and 1 of my 2 online classes
Unfortunately, I did not succeed as well in this goal as I did #3 and it could be that #3 took up the little free time I had or I just struggle in getting certain things done for school like writing papers and taking large tests. I did finish half of 1 online course and must be done before the end of May. I filed the paperwork and paid to recieve my diploma in August so I better get to work!

Goal #5: Finish fixing up my room.
I am proud to say that it is for the most part complete. In the last 3 months with the help of others I completed putting together the furniture (desk, 2 bookcases and tv stand) in my room, got a flatscreen and bluray player, organizers for my desk, new curtains and curtain rod, new sheets and comforter, nail polish rack, jewelry organizer, closet shoe holder, and other little things to add the personal touch. So for now I believe it is complete. Of course there will always be little details I will need to attend to but all the big to do tasks are complete. The next thing I want to focus on doing is getting some artwork and photos up to make my room a bit more personable.

Goal #6: Workout 5 days a week.
I did not succeed at this goal at all. I would have periods of exercising everyday and then none. It was difficult on those times when I was running from one job to another, but I also was having trouble exercising because I would get fatigued extremely easily. I found out recently that I have a Vitamin D deficiency. I hope to get this under control as soon as possible, because many have said that once I do I will feel a ton better so I look forward to that!

Goal #7: Reach 1500 page views on my blog.
I am at about 1300. Not too bad but I have also learned that its not about all the pageviews. I don't care to be popular or have a ton of people read my blog, I only care to share my experiences, my growth, the things I learn and hope it helps people or even inspire them. It isn't about how many times a post gets viewed its about hopefully that one person that reads it that really needed it right then. Thank you to all those that do read and support my blog it continues to help me feel that maybe I have something of merit to share and maybe I am not at my best yet but I am getting there. Life is a work in progress, if we aren't progressing than we are regressing and that is not an option!

Looking at my progress through these last 3 months I am really proud of myself. Of course I didn't accomplish everything perfectly but that is not the point of goals they are to get you focused and to strive towards an endpoint you may not have seen as clearly. Goal setting I really believe is crucial in success, and I would say this first quarter was overall a success.

Finally what we have all been waiting for did I win the weigh in for the first quarter family challenge......YES!! I am the victor of the first quarter. So not only did I lose 20 pounds but I won $100...stay tuned to see what I do with it!

Have you looked at your progress since the first of the year? Want to set some new goals or modify old ones? Well now is the time April is about to begin and a new quarter for the year!!

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

March Favorites

Favorite #1
The Dallas Buyers Club movie is my first favorite of the month. I was suspicious of this movie in the beginning but after winning a few Oscars I figured I would give it a shot and I was amazed. I have more thoughts about this movie then I really could put in this blog, if you care to know them feel free to ask me. But for now I will just say I was awed by the acting, the moral I got from the entire story, and the education it brings not only to AIDS but the FDA, and other government organizations that approve medications that have side effects or death, as well as fast food and processed foods that is poison in a bite. Before I start spilling all my thoughts, just watch the movie and I would love to hear your thoughts!!

Favorite #2 & #3
My next two favorites are new television shows. The first is the new MTV Series "Are You The One?" Best love finding/matching show ever! I am sorry to all you Bachelor/Bachelorette Lovers but I just find that show a waste. Seriously how many people actually stuck together? Was there any merit in it? They just picked rich/hot people and put them with other hot people and were like here fight 20 other people and if the person picks you in the end its True Love. This show is so good, they scientifically matched 10 girls to 10 guys and put them in a house, they then have 10 tries to find their perfect match, if they get 10 perfect matches by the end of those 10 tries they all split a million dollars. Seriously go either to hulu or mtv.com and watch it!
The second show is the new NBC show "Believe", about a young girl who has gifts to read thoughts, manipulate objects, and change the future. There are those fighting to keep her safe and those hunting her down for the sake of all humankind and science. I found this show very similar to CBS sereies "Numbers" that ended way to soon I feel because of the deep thought required to understand the show, in my opinion nothing will ever compare to that show, but I do like shows that promote the idea that there are no coincidences and everything is connected. I highly recommend this show.

Favorite #4&#5:
I recently bought my first 2 Butter London nail polishes in "Cake Hole" and "Slapper". Cake Hole is a really pretty bold hot pink color, it has a warmer tone to it so its not so neon hot pink but I love it for the upcoming Spring/Summer season. Slapper is a beautiful teal color and is currently my absolutely favorite nail polish!! 

Favorite #6:
After getting sick earlier this month I became a Hand Sanitizing Gel addict and thank goodness I had the Bath & Body Works Pink Chiffon PocketBac Sanitizing Hand Gel. It smells amazing and without fail every day I was at work at least one person would ask me what I was wearing. They expected it to be some intoxicating perfume but no it was my hand gel.

Favorite #7&#8:
In preparation for Spring, I had to get some mint jewelry. Mint and Coral this spring season are attracting my eye like no ones business. So my favorites for the month are from Charming Charlies, this Mint Leaf Two-Finger Ring which I get a ton of compliments on and this Mint and Gold Necklace. I started wearing both with a pair of gold earrings and layered a gold chain bracelet and watch with my black pant suit with a nice coral shirt underneath. The coral and mint truly compliment each other!

Favorite #9:
I read Divergent this month and was blown away. If you would like to see more of my thoughts and growth through reading this book feel free to check out my blog post Striving To Be Brave, Selfless, Smart, Kind and Honest.

Favorite #10:
I have been doing my best to each clean and healthy best I can. I have cut our fast food, soda and most processed foods except one thing here and there. This is one of them. This is the only thing I buy in the frozen food section except frozen veggies and fruit but I am in love with this. It is delicious and gets me buy when I am having a weaker moment or just a lack of energy to cook. This is Barber Foods Breaded Raw Stuffed Chicken Breasts Cordon Bleu style. One is filling paired with some broccoli and corn makes a delicious full meal. If you don't eat frozen foods, no problem make if from scratch I promise it would be better but if not and need a good substitute for something worse, Yes try it you will love it!

Songs of the Month:
Pharrell Williams- Happy

Sara Bareillas- I Choose You

Justin Timberlake- Not a Bad Thing

Ellie Goulding- Beating Heart

Oh Honey- Be Okay

Little Mix- Move

Monday, March 31, 2014

Reward #2: Amazon Mini Shopping Spree

I have accomplished losing a total of 20 pounds!!! Which means I get to reward myself for reaching another 10 pound goal!! Originally I had planned to go to Painting with a Twist but I am saving that fun event for when my best friend comes in April! So instead I rewarded myself with a mini Amazon Shopping Spree and this is what I got.... (I just ordered these so hopefully they will be here by Wednesday!)

Just Dance 2014 for Wii. I love Just Dance and I have been wanting this one since it came out. I rented it from Redbox and new instantly this had to be part of my 20 pound loss reward. Although I have to say I think I would make the best Just Dance game ever!!!

Next, if you read my previous blog Striving To Be Brave, Selfless, Smart, Kind and Honest, you understand this purchase and hopefully why it is quite the reward. I enjoyed Divergent so much that I of course had to get the other two. I already have Divergent but instead of spending over $20 for the second two books I just ordered all 3 in hardcover for $27. LOVE AMAZON! I will always hold onto my first copy of Divergent though not only did my best friend get it for me but now I can keep tabs on all my favorite quotes from the book!

Lastly, I also had to get the fifth book in The Mortal Instrument series! The sixth and final book comes out on May 27th. I have enjoyed each one of them, I am definitely trapped in the shadowhunter world with Clary and Jace, and I can't wait to see how the series ends. I just wish the movies were pouring out as fast as the books!!!

Once again it was wonderful to reward myself for all my hard work. Not only do I lose weight but I get to reward myself with things I love and enjoy along the way!!

Now I am on my way to the next 10 total of 30 pounds, it is getting harder as I go this next 10 pounds will be a challenge. My goal is to hit it before my best friend gets here in 22 days! I CAN DO IT!!!

Striving To Be Brave, Selfless, Smart, Kind and Honest

Recently, I read the book and saw the movie Divergent by Veronica Roth. One thing there is to know about me is... I love Young Adult (YA) Novels!! I always have and always will. I love that YA novels have no boundaries. You can read about vampires (Twilight), shadowhunters (The Mortal Instruments), wizards (Harry Potter), or even about dystopian societies such as The Hunger Games or even Divergent. They explore fantasy, they create their own worlds with their own boundaries and pull you in through real life emotions. How can you read about fictional characters or fictional societies and feel like you are right in the midst of it? The YA authors have found an amazing way of pulling people of all ages into their made up worlds, taking them on a rollercoaster ride of events and emotions, and if done right they never want to get off no matter the ups and downs.

Warning: If you have not read the book and plan to read it, please wait to continue reading. I do not want to spoil anything for anyone.

All of the YA novels I mentioned above have pulled me in to their world and I did not wanted off their ride, I have loved every character, every twist in the story and every moral each had to teach me. But for reasons I am still discovering, Divergent has touched me personally like no other YA novel has. I didn't know how affected I was by this story/this world until I tried to explain it to my mom. I was drawn to tears explaining how I felt, I know that sounds crazy but hear me out first. I was in awe of the relatability of this story. For those of you who have not read this story a quick overview... In the future, after war hit and the world was changed, there was left a society in Chicago guarded from the outside world by a fence. Within this fence, they established 5 factions or groups each symbolizing a value/principle that was in pursuit of overcoming one of the imperfections society had before the war. The factions are: Abnegation are Selfless, they were in pursuit of overcoming selfishness and strive to be selfless in its entirety; Amnity, are Peaceful, they are kind and self-sufficient; Candor are Honest, they believe that dishonesty makes evil possible; Erudite are intelligent, they are constantly in pursuit of knowledge and understanding; and finally Dauntless are Brave, they believe in the ability to acknowledge your fears and free yourself from them. The main character is Beatrice (Tris) Prior who was raised as an Abnegation and discovers she is Divergent. A divergent is an independent thinker, they do not conform, they do not fit into any one category they fit into multiple categories. She has to hide her Divergence from even those closest to her because these free, independent thinkers threaten the system and those threatened get rid of them. She chooses to become Dauntless, where she meets the other main character Four. That is my brief overview, hopefully that helps a little with what I would like to share, but I do really recommend reading the book

I believe if forced to conform and pick a faction most of us would be able to do so. There would be one ideal that would seem more consequential than another. After thinking about it for me that would be Candor, it comes naturally to me to be honest and truthful unfortunately even when others wish I weren't. But like many I see little bits of each ideal in me, some stronger than others. Towards the end of Divergent, Four is talking to Tris, explaining why he has the symbols of all 5 of the factions tattooed on his back and says, "I think we've made a mistake...We've all started to put down the virtues of the other factions in the process of bolstering our own. I don't want to do that. I want to be brave, and selfless, and smart, and kind, and honest." I love the power in this statement and relate to it personally. Especially at this time in my life where I am finding out who I am, creating the person I want to be and being confident in who that is. You still have a lot of searching, tough choices and decisions to make it a long the way. I don't want to just be honest, I want to be peaceful and loving, selfless and willing to sacrifice for others, intelligent and understanding, and brave and fearless. Four goes on to add, "I continually struggle with kindness." Once again most of us probably have a stronger quality and a weaker quality. For me I am continually struggling with bravery and overcoming my fears. There is a saying that "A team is only as strong as it's weakest player." What if the same applies individually? We as individuals are only as strong as our weakest trait/virtue. I see my weakness in this virtue of bravery and see the strength I have already received by overcoming even the little fears, the courage I have acquired through acknowledging my fears and finding the solutions to them or crushing the weak foundations they were established on. I also have come to the understanding that it is unrealistic to be fearless, we can overcome some fears but the goal isn't to necessarily be fearless it is to be brave against your fears. "You can't be fearless, remember? Because you still care about things. About your life." Tris reminds Four of this when Four is disappointed that he still has the same fears he can not overcome. If you care then you will always have something to fear, because you will always be at risk of losing what you most care about whether it is a person or a piece of yourself. Remember, the objective is not to become without fears but to become brave when faced with fear.

Tris through Divergent is battling with herself a bit between the balance of being selfless and being brave. She was raised Abnegation where you are to always be selfless though she felt as though she was never able to be selfless enough. When she joined Dauntless she felt brave but never brave enough. As the story continues there are times when she is selfless and brave, she takes the place of a fellow initiate to have knives thrown at her. Four says, "It's when you're acting selflessly that you are at your bravest." When she is only thinking of another is when her bravery shines brightest. Is that not true for most of us? We would amaze ourselves if we could see what we are capable of when being selfless. Four says, "I have a theory that selflessness and bravery aren't all that different. All your life you've been training to forget yourself, so when you're in danger, it becomes your first instinct." It takes her a while to see the correlation but she finally sees that being selfless and brave aren't totally opposite virtues. Often to be selfless you must be brave and to be brave you must be selfless. Many of the virtues go hand in hand. Many times it takes intelligence to be kind or bravery to be honest, or kindness to be selfless. It is a matter of finding a balance of all the virtues within ourselves and using our strengths to better our weaknesses. If your strongest attribute is to be brave how do you use your bravery to be more intelligent, selfless, kind, and honest?

I feel that we are constantly in search of creating a balance within to create the person we choose to be. Life is so complex, our thoughts hard to decipher, our emotions hard to understand, and our environment impossible to transform to our own utopia. I am on this roller coaster ride of discovery, discovering who I am and what I am capable of. Sometimes we are pushed to our breaking point to discover what we are truly capable of. I have been pushed and pulled until it has felt like I am broken but I was only bent, I am being refined, I am becoming ME. I relate to the Divergent's path of self discovery, choice of embracing and balancing the virtues we hold most dear, and the fight to always be my best independent self.

Divergent is a book that can go as deep as you wish to take it. I recommend hopping on this roller coaster ride and seeing where it can take you.

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Rewarding Small Victories Leads to Ultimate Success

As many of you know, I have set a large weight loss goal for myself this year (80 pounds). But I have decided to break that 80 pound long term goal into 10 pound short term goals. So for every 10 pounds I lose I am going to reward myself with something other than food, and I know you people that have been on the roller coaster of losing weight know exactly what I am talking about, (unhealthy) food rewards are never good most to all of the time! But I really recommend setting rewards for yourself that you really want and motivate you to work hard for them. My rewards get bigger as I lose more weight because it gets harder as you lose weight.  But even if you don't have weight to lose, you may want to drink more water or eat more fruits or workout more, set goals and reward yourself for accomplishing them!

About 2 weeks ago I hit the 10 pound mark and since then I have kept it off and continued to lose weight slowly and at a steady pace. I haven't made rewards for all eight 10 pound goals yet but I have for the first three. My reward for the first 10 pounds was to get my cartilage pierced. I got my cartilage pierced my freshman year in college but with softball I couldn't wear an earring all the time so it ended up closing up and I have been wanting to get it redone ever since and I finally did it!!! And it even looks better than it did the first time! If anyone in the Cypress/Houston area is wanting to get their ears pierced I really recommend Cyndi at the Claire's in the Willowbrook Mall she is fabulous!!!

Yes that bottom right picture I did cringe a little. It was a bit of a pinch but after its all over I barely even can feel it's there!

I love it!!! My mom went with me on this wonderful mother/daughter date and we just had a fabulous day! Stop one was to get my cartilage pierced, from there we stopped at Bath&Body Works got some fabulous Spring time gentle foam hand soaps for the house, new car freshener for my car (I will share these items soon!), and travel shower gels. We then swung by the Disney store to pick up my copy of FROZEN!!! We stopped by JC Penny's to look for a curtain rod for my room and of course the only one I wanted was like $90 so if anyone knows of a good place to get an elegant but reasonably priced curtain rod please let me know :) 
 Our last stop was to my favorite cafe in the entire world...NEWK'S. When we got there it was packed as normal for lunch time but by the time we left it was practically empty we were having the best time talking I didn't want to leave!
It was truly a fabulous day and the weather was perfect!

I hope you all are having a great week so far!
Now I am working hard for that next 10 pounds...stay tuned to see my reward when I succeed in accomplishing this next step!
Do you have a goal you are working on? How are you going to reward yourself once you accomplish it? If you don't have a goal yet, what goal are you going to set for yourself?

Monday, March 17, 2014

Best and Easiest Salmon Recipe EVER!!!

My blog Creating Amanda is all about creating the best future version of myself I can. Part of that is maintaining a healthy lifestyle that incorporates daily exercise and a balanced diet. I have lost 10 pounds and maintained that loss for over a week. Now I'm on my way to a 20 pound loss.  But with this new change that I am loving I want to post a recipe I am loving at least once or twice a month. I am going to try to make them as clean, healthy obviously and simple as possible. With this addition of blog posts I of course had to buy some awesome dishware. 

I found these beauties at Kohl's during their latest Bonus Buys Deals. I got all 4 pieces for under $10!!!

The first recipes I am sharing with my wonderful blog readers are Baked Salmon, Garlic Mashed Potatoes and Broccoli! 
The salmon recipe I found online of course, played with it and have been making the taste buds and tummys' of my family happy for about a year now. 
Ingredients needed: 
4 3oz. Salmon (I get cut portions from Kroger) 
1/2 cup Soy Sauce 
1/2 cup Honey 
Fresh Minced Garlic Cloves or Garlic Powder

1. Wash off salmon. 
2. In large Ziploc bag, combine 1/2 cup Soy Sauce (I use the soy sauce my brother gets but if you can find a good low sodium soy sauce I recommend it), 1/2 cup organic honey, and garlic cloves or garlic powder. I have found that I enjoy both the garlic cloves and the garlic powder it depends on what I have in the kitchen at the time. If I use the garlic powder I use about 1-2 teaspoons. Shake bag well and add washed salmon portions. 
3. Lay the salmon portions marinating in the bag for 1 hour. Flipping the portions over after 30 minutes. (Sometimes when I am in a rush I only marinate the salmon portions for 30 minutes: 15 minutes on each side and it still turns out fabulous.)
4. Preheat oven to 375 degrees. 
5. Place fish with scale side down and marinade in a clear baking dish and bake for 15-20 minutes, or until it flakes easily.

My family raves about this fish recipe and I hope you and your taste buds do as well.

Next, I made some homemade Garlic Mashed Potatoes to go perfectly with my fish. I found the recipe from Food Network offered by Paula Deen. 

3 Medium Baking Potatoes
4 Tablespoons of Butter (Land O Lakes Light Butter)
1/2 cup Sour Cream
Garlic Powder or Garlic Cloves
1-2 Tablespoons of Milk (AlmondMilk)
Salt and Pepper to Taste

1. Wash, peel and chop potatoes.
2. Cook potatoes in boiling salted water about 15 minutes or until tender.
3. Drain Potatoes and return to saucepan or clean medium-large sized bowl.
4. Add butter, sour cream (light sour cream is an alternative) and garlic (I used Garlic Powder about 1-2 teaspoons).
5. Mash potatoes with potato masher or fork until ingredients are well blended. Add Milk 1 tablespoon at a time, until potatoes are the creamy consistency desired.
6. Add salt and pepper to taste.

Last but Most Important, Broccoli!!! 

2 heads of broccoli
1 Tablespoon of Butter (Land O Lakes Light Butter)
Salt and Pepper to Taste

1. Bring water to a boil.
2. Clean and Cut Broccoli into desired pieces and add to water.
3. Cook broccoli in rolling boil for 5 minutes or until cooked to desired tenderness. 
4. Drain and return to saucepan or bowl.
5. Add butter and Salt and Pepper to taste.

The outcome everyone is this lovely dish for dinner. I add about a tablespoon of Tarter Sauce to my fish but that is personal preference. This is nothing too difficult but very delicious and tastes just as good the next day if there are any leftovers remaining. 

I hope you all enjoy and I would love feedback if you enjoy this new idea for blog posts and if you try these recipes and your input! Thank you all!

Happy Monday Everyone!