Sometimes when from the outside your life looks great to everyone else, you feel like you are caving in on the inside. This week though everything has looked great from the outside, I got ANOTHER part-time job, it's Christmas time and I have practically finished all my shopping and I'm finally getting super close to finishing school. I mean come on even things look great to me! But unfortunately my life has also been filled with many stresses and it feels like I have the Mount Everest in front of me! I am finally taking on all of my finances myself (including loads of college loans to pay off), my personal diet and fitness took a dive when I started having loads of pain in my feet and shins, and with everything my depression side of my mood disorder has creeped up on me.
In times like these when I feel weighed down, overwhelmed and defeated, I have realized it is because I am looking conquering Mount Everest in a day instead of breaking down my journey into a string of victorious and achievable days. I have to break down my stresses into little conquerable to do lists. So I started keeping a planner again and I am focusing not on the whole month, not even on the whole week but one day at a time. For my financial stress I have created a budget sheet and will be sitting down with my mother this next week to refine it and get me headed in the right direction. As far as my health struggles, I feel like these can weigh me down like quick sand, but I think the key like it always has been is making a plan for my meals just like I do with everything else. Plan and Execute. Next with my physical limitations at the moment I have to find ways outside of my comfort zone for getting exercise. I am going to start riding my bike more (Yes I know winter probably isn't the best time to start biking outside, but I will bundle up) I also am going to do as much walking and floor exercises as I can in the mornings and evenings.
On my facebook page this week I made a status on asking for input on how to combat stress. I got some amazing feedback and I have to share it on here. My uncle in law suggested choose your mood, plan and execute, and popcorn and a book (This is matches perfectly with my key points below...he must be a genius). My aunt recommended my favorites Sprinkles, Godiva (I'm adding See's as well), Shopping, Mani/Pedi, massage, and lavender bubble bath. A couple other wonderful people recommended exercise (Zumba, walk, yoga, etc.), prayer (taking your stresses to the Lord, we all need divine help all the time and it is a wonderful thing when we see the Lord's hand in our lives lifting our burdens when we need him most), and focus on one thing at a time.
Can believe that amazing feedback?!? I was shocked. What great input. We all battle daily stress and struggles and we all have ways that help us overcome and conquer our personal Mount Everest's. I am sharing my input with you and I think the perfect plan is a little bit of everything: focus, attitude adjustments where needed, plan, and a little reward and luxury to congratulate yourself on a job well done!
A few key points in overcoming overwhelming Mount Everest are:
1. Don't try to climb Mount Everest in a day, break it down.
2. Make a plan and execute.
3. Reward yourself. (Destress from the stress you acquired trying to destress!)
We can all overcome our stress. One day at a time. Maybe even one task at a time. Set your pace and start the climb!
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