Sunday, September 15, 2013

Creating Amanda Marie

Hey there, my name is Amanda Marie Otto and this is my brand new blog. For the past month I have done a 180 with my life. I have drastically changed my diet, implemented exercise daily, and have changed my whole way of thinking to a new and positive outlook.

For a long time (well as long as I can remember), I have felt limited, no good and well just about a nothing. I have been overweight, ashamed, and constantly doubting myself. My physical appearance and environment led to a life of anxiety and depression.

And can you think of what I might of said to all of that?!? ENOUGH!!! I have had ENOUGH feeling sorry for myself, ENOUGH of thinking I am not worth something or thinking I have nothing to offer, ENOUGH of thinking I can never have life I feel I was born to have (no I don't know exactly what it is but I know what it should feel like.) Put simply I had enough of the shame and guilt. No more blaming myself, no more blaming others, and no more blaming God for why I am not who I want to be, where I want to be, or why I am not there.

At the beginning of this new journey, I came across a quote that said "Life isn't about finding yourself, it is about creating yourself!" There you have it, this sums up my whole journey right here. I am no longer focused on the past or finding who I am, I am 23 (I hope I know who I am at this point), but I am now CREATING the person I want to be! I am CREATING a fearless woman full of potential who has no limitations to anything she can accomplish in this life and I am truly believing it! I am CREATING a life with endless possibilities. I will never again miss an opportunity to live my life to the fullest. I will never miss a movie date with a group of friends because of "social anxiety", miss a workout at the gym because "I look like a dummy", miss a picture full of memories because "I look too fat" or sleep in bed all day because "there is nothing I can really offer the world".

I am not just CREATING a happier and healthier me by exercising and eating but I am learning to love myself with every step of the journey. Everyone in this world has something to share, some wise words to tell, some awing talent to show and share, whatever it is don't hide it any longer!!

I am hoping this blog is not just a venting page or spill of my life but an inspiration to others, I will share encouragement, motivation, my interests, my struggles, my victories, my ideas and I hope you will do the same! Whatever it is that is holding you back, say ENOUGH and start CREATING everything you want to be!!!

Welcome to Creating Amanda, a new journey, a new ME!!

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